
Computers and the internet continue to become increasingly ingrained with our work and personal lives. 随着社会对这些技术的依赖程度越来越高, 现在对熟练的计算机科学家的需求比以往任何时候都高.

拥有PG电子游戏计算机科学学位, you’ll be prepared to enter the fast-growing field of computer science as an expert developer, 网络安全技术人员, 网络管理员, 还有更多.

Our bachelor’s in computer science degree program offers you a balanced combination of in-class practice and hands-on experience working with real-world local companies to help build a robust resume. You’ll benefit from a supportive community of experienced faculty mentors and career advisers so you can excel from your first day to well after graduation.


当你在HSU获得计算机科学学士学位时, 您将在编码语言方面打下坚实的基础, 发展网络, 设计优雅的用户体验, 在许多其他技能中. You will master these hard skills while also improving soft skills such as creative problem-solving, 沟通, 和职业精神. Combined, these tools will help you stand out both in the job market and in the workplace.

如果你对计算机和网络系统的内部工作原理着迷,我们的 计算机科学辅修 也提供了一个互补的程度,几乎任何领域的研究.


Dr. 特里中士-计算机科学教授

Dr. 特里中士







Our small class sizes provide many opportunities to collaborate with your peers and build long-lasting professional networks. 我们的高级课程大约有10名学生, which means you’ll also receive the attention and support of highly skilled faculty dedicated to helping you succeed every day. Your computer science degree will culminate in a senior project in which you’ll work in a team to solve real-world issues for a local company.



The computer science department hosts parties every semester so you can wind down while building lasting friendships with other computer science majors. 在秋天雕刻南瓜,看MST3K. 春天的派对包括披萨和竞争激烈的9平方回合.



作为一名计算机专业的学生, you’ll get to work with faculty who have years of experience both inside the classroom and in the professional world. You’ll benefit from their commitment to preparing students for the skills and knowledge you’ll need every day on the job.



Graduates of Hardin-Simmons University’s bachelor’s degree in computer science program go on to work as game designers and programmers, 系统安全工程师, 和用户体验设计师. 如果你有兴趣继续你的教育, our bachelor’s in computer science provides you with a solid grounding of knowledge and skills to build further experience on.

当你在HSU主修计算机科学时,享受一个不断发展的领域的工作保障. 根据美国劳工统计局(BLS), 在未来十年内,计算机科学家的就业将增长22%, 加3以上,每年创造1000个新工作岗位.


  • 软件工程师
  • UI / UX的设计师
  • 数据科学家
  • Web开发人员
  • 网络安全分析师
  • IT专家




Hardin-Simmons University takes pride in its commitment to helping future computer scientists afford their educational experience. 了解更多关于 为计算机科学专业的学生提供经济资助.


拿破仑Musonera拿破仑在德克萨斯州格林维尔的L3Harris工作,是一名系统安全工程师. 他已经在网络安全行业工作了7年. 哈里斯公司是载人情报领域的全球领导者, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) and electronic warfare platform solutions and services.


  1. Improve our 安全 posture through mitigation of vulnerabilities and ensure 安全 compliance.
  2. 我们系统里的国安局管理员.
  3. 为我们的士兵提供外勤支援
  4. 最高机密[TS/SI]需要许可

“I graduated from HSU with a Bachelors of Science in Computer science with minor in Mathematics. 我最近从新加坡管理大学毕业,获得了安全工程硕士学位. HSU的CSCI项目是我成功故事的支柱. 有趣的是,我在大四的时候重修了程序设计1! Great teachers made it so much easier to learn the fundamental/foundation and the key concepts in computer science. 在这个过程中,他们也让它变得有趣.”


瑞安假名Ryan目前是位于阿比林的Datroo Technologies公司的副总裁.  They are a full service Managed Service Provider and Technology Solutions company and provide storage, 虚拟化, 电话系统, 安全, 为北美各地的企业提供网络服务.

瑞安说:“一个简单的问题可以解决一个复杂的问题. While going through the CSCI program at HSU I could always count on my professors to make the time to encourage me and guide me to find the answers while working through problems. 我把这个例子运用到我今天的工作中. 我努力挤出时间,不只是给员工和同事提供答案, 同时也要帮助他们解决问题,自己找到答案.”


萨曼塔德在我从HSU毕业并获得计算机科学学位之后, I spent roughly 4 years as a software engineer with Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programs, 又名“臭鼬工厂”.” Recently I’ve began pursuing a master’s degree in game programming at DePaul University. I’m a subject matter expert for Freedom Learning Group where I draft technical documents and create course content related to software development for clients in the education industry.

总的来说,我对编程和技术充满热情. 这种激情诞生于PG电子游戏的核心. After switching majors a few times and not having a clear direction of what I wanted to pursue, I found myself in an intro to programming class where I fell head over hills in love with the problem solving and puzzle-like aspects of programming. I was immediately sold; I knew this was what I was born to do. Doing my homework felt like a challenging game and completing assignments felt like I was beating the game.

是什么让HSU的CS项目与众不同的是真正令人惊叹的教师. 不仅教授们对他们的工作非常热情, 但我觉得他们真的很关心我,希望看到我成功. Because the CSCI program is relatively small at HSU the faculty can give more personalized attention to individual students. 他们鼓励学生,推动他们,挑战他们.

PG电子官方免费下载工作期间,我经历了巨大的成长, 无论是作为程序员还是作为个人. I’m certain I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for the lessons I learned at HSU as well as the friendships and mentors I have gained.