Krivin Kade Legett


Kirvin Kade Legett, judge, attorney, civic leader, rancher, and farmer, was born in Monticello, Arkansas, on November 6, 1857, to Kirvin Kade and Mintie (Berry) Legett. He studied law in a Cleburne, Texas, attorney’s office, and in 1879, moved to the frontier town of Buffalo Gap, Texas. 当预期穿过布法罗峡谷的铁路向北经过15英里时, 1881年,莱格特加入了追随足迹的人的行列,发现了阿比林. He participated in the first auction of town lots, quickly evolved as a community leader, 并成为西德克萨斯州最有前途的年轻律师.

In 1884, at age 26, 莱格特是代表德克萨斯州的14名民主党总统选举人中最年轻的. 后来,他在西德克萨斯州领导了一场运动,要求全州禁酒令, 他亲自说服州立法机关在西德克萨斯划出一个新的国会选区.

In 1886, he married a rancher’s daughter, Lora Bryan, and together they had three children: Julia, Kade, and Ruth.

莱格特是阿比林浸信会(现为第一浸信会)和该市“进步委员会”的创始成员.” He continually supported publicly, and financially when possible, 阿比林项目吸引了一条额外的铁路, improved the town’s water supply, 并在市中心增加了永久性人行道和电灯.

Though he lacked formal education, 莱格特是1891年西蒙斯学院的创始人之一, now Hardin-Simmons University. 他撰写了学校的第一份章程,并担任了第一届董事会成员. 莱格特是校园里熟悉的人物,也是最受欢迎的演讲嘉宾, delivering the school’s first commencement address.

By the age of 35, 莱格特作为一名鼓舞人心的演说家而声名狼藉,经常被邀请到当地的服务俱乐部演讲, political rallies, Baptist conventions, civic and professional banquets, and literary societies. Legett was also seen as a levelheaded, 精明的律师,有精湛的演讲技巧和充分准备的案件, 后来被选为泰勒县律师协会的首任主席.

In 1894, 他的同事试图说服他接受民主党对德克萨斯州参议院的提名,但没有成功. 但莱格特解释说,这是因为公职的回报是不确定的, 他不会让他的家庭的福利受制于选民. In 1898, however, 他接受了阿比林地区破产案第一裁判的任命, an office he regarded as a civic duty. When Judge Legett retired from that assignment, 他22年的任期超过了美国任何其他破产裁判的任期.

In 1902, in a financial and leadership crisis, 席梦思学院董事会一致推选莱格特为主席. His labors for the school included making speeches, traveling to conferences, seeking financial assistance for students, responding to requests for advice from parents, and requesting donations from potential benefactors.

Legett also served, by gubernatorial appointment, 他是德州农业机械学院(现德州农机学院)的董事会成员&M) for eight years, four as its president. 对他时间的要求越来越高,以至于他在1910年试图从西蒙斯大学理事会辞职, but local church leaders dissuaded him. A week after promising Mrs. Legett to reduce his civic responsibilities, he agreed to serve on three local committees, working toward a new high school, a new state normal school, and a new Baptist sanitarium. He finally resigned from the A&不久之后,他又在1911年加入了西蒙斯大学董事会, after nearly 20 years of service. 他后来在1914年接受了HSU董事会的再次任命, and throughout 1915, campaigned for a new women’s dormitory.

The Legett home, located at 602 Meander Street, 曾是席梦思学院领导无数次聚会的聚会场所, First Baptist Church, the Abilene Bar Association, Democratic Party organizations, and a stream of educators, clergy, cattlemen, and farmers from around the state and nation.

In March 1926, 莱格特法官和西蒙斯大学的朋友们一起开发了一个校园美化项目, 其中包括在校园南侧种植50棵山核桃树. Today, 校园里装饰着一座以他的名字命名的桥, 由2002届毕业班和华大学生代表大会共同奉献.

On June 3, 1926, 莱格特参加了西蒙斯在第一浸信会教堂举行的毕业典礼, 他在那里见证了第一个文学硕士学位的授予. The next evening during dinner, Judge Legett suddenly dropped his dessert spoon, and, 尽管他的医生女婿努力帮助他, died instantly and silently of a cerebral hemorrhage. 《PG电子官方免费下载》(Dallas Morning News)称他的死是“西德克萨斯州一股政治力量的逝去”.”

然而,他对社区的贡献并没有随着他的去世而消失. 他对孩子们的影响至今仍在他的孙辈和曾孙辈广泛的慈善和公民努力中延续.

PG电子游戏非常荣幸地表彰其最受尊敬的创始人之一,并正式将Kirvin Kade Legett引入哈佛大学领袖堂.